Rollover Menu

Rollover Menu

NeoFreaks News

Adobe Photoshop and Adobe ImageReady are needed for this tutorial. 

Okay, this tutorial will help you create something like this:
Finished Result

(I would recommend you to use this on a site, and not by itself, otherwise it looks “messy”). 

Step 1:
Open a new PhotoShop document, whatever size you want. For the purpose of this tutorial we’ll use a document size 500x500 with these settings:

Click Here 

Step 2:
Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to draw a toolbar. Call this layer “Bar”. Then on that toolbar create a new layer with a square with text saying “Menu”. Join the square and the text layer together and call the joined layer “Menu”. On the “Bar” layer draw a line separating the “Menu” layer from the “Bar” Layer (visually). Hopefully it looks like this:

Click Here 

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